I love sharing my knowledge - by giving conference talks as well as by creating premium video courses.
In addition to my paid video course offerings, I have also recorded two free video courses for Laracasts.
PHP Package Development

Over the last 7 years I have created more than 100 open source packages for myself, my company, or my own Chatbot framework. The packages have been downloaded more than **14 million times**, found it's way into the Laravel Core and are being used in countless of applications all over the world. In this video course, I am showing you how to create your own PHP and Laravel package.
Build A Chatbot

Build A Chatbot is a video course that includes everything I know from building and maintainig the most popular open source PHP chatbot framework called BotMan. It features real world examples such as a todo list chatbot to walk you through the concepts of chatbots through various messaging services.